You have the option to delete the payroll  for a particular month. The payroll can be deleted for specific employees where the Date of Joining should be changed/if the previous month's FFS has been processed in the current month before the cut-off date. This deletion can only be done in the current month's payroll.


Please note:

Payroll month is by default taken as process month.

 You need to ensure that the payroll is unlocked. 
To unlock the payroll, go to PayrollàUtilitiesàManage/Lock Payroll.


On the Home Page click “Transactions”. 

Click “Delete Payroll” under “Compensation”.


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The current processing month will be displayed. 


Delete Specific Employees' payroll.

Click “Click here” if you want to delete employee-wise payroll.

A screenshot of a computer

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Click “Download template here.”

Enter the Employee Code and Name of the Employee for whom the payroll has to be deleted.

Save the file to the Local Drive.

Click “Choose File”.

Click “Import”.

Once the file has been imported, click “Delete data”.

Location wise Delete Payroll

Select the “Branch”.

Click “Delete Data”.

 A yellow rectangle with black text

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If you want to delete data for all the employees or for a particular location, click the option from the drop-down.

 And your payroll for the selected location for that month is deleted.


A screenshot of a computer

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You can only delete the data of the last payroll run.

If you want to delete the previous month's payroll and the current month is already processed, you have to first delete the current month's payroll and then the previous month's payroll

 For example, if you have processed Payroll till Jul for a particular year, but want to delete the Payroll data for Jun-, then first the Jul Payroll needs to be deleted.