This feature is used to update resigned employee and to do process Full and Final settlement for resigned employee.
Go to Employees menu >> click on Manage Exits
- Click on Add Employee button to create/mark an existing/active employee as resigned.
- Search the resigned employee by Code/Name and select.
- Enter the Resignation/FFS Date & Last Working Date of the employee
- Enter the Remarks, Select Reason for leaving & ESI Remarks
- Select Pay Process Type
- Select checkbox “Mark as Settled” if full & final is already processed
Click on “Save” to save resigned details and click on List button to process Full & Final.
Once the resigned employee is added , that record can be seen in the grid list.
In the grid list Action column, click on Edit button, to make changes in the resigned employee record.
In the grid list Action column, in the Edit button drop down, click on Cancel option, if any employee has to be made active again.
In the grid list Action column, in the Edit button drop down, click on Process option, to process settlement.
To do any correction in resigned details, click on View/Edit.
Click on Process icon to do Full & Final settlement processing
Enter F&F Process Date
In this page, user can also view information related to Income Tax Declaration and the pending applications of Leave, Comp Off, FBP Claim & Reimbursement
LOP Details: LOP days will be fetched automatically, if there are leaves applied in LMS & Bio-Metric in this field, users can also enter the LOP days manually.
Leave encashment:
- Earned leave will be automatically fetched from leave management module and leave encashment amount would be calculated, if you are using (LMS) leave management system.
- Encashment amount will get calculated based on formula entered in leave encashment component and leave configuration.
Note: System also allows overriding the leave encashment amount.
- Actual Pending amount: Employee’s pending loan amount will be displayed
- Deduction Amount: In this field, user can enter/override the loan amount to be deducted.
FBP Unclaimed:
- FBP Actual Unclaimed Amount: Employee’s FBP Unclaimed amount will be displayed.
- FBP Unclaimed Amount: In this field, user can enter/override the FBP Unclaimed amount manually.
Notice Pay/Recovery
- Pay: Select this option if there is any notice period payable by employer
- Recovery: Select this option if there is any recovery from employee.
- Enter the Notice Period (days), based on the days entered in this field, system will calculate Actual Notice Amount
- Notice Amount: In this field user can enter/override the Notice Amount manually.
Note: Notice pay and Notice recovery component should be created, only then the amount will appear in FFS report.
To know how to create Notice Pay/Recovery component click here.
- System will automatically calculate Gratuity based on employees DOJ.
- Calculated Years and Amount can be seen in Actual Gratuity Period (Years) & Actual Gratuity Amount.
- User can enter/override the amounts manually in Gratuity Period (Years) & Gratuity Amount
To know how to create gratuity component click here.
After entering all fields click on Process Settlement button.
In Process Pay Settlement Page, user can enter/update, any variable one time payable/deductible amounts in the “Adjustment Column”
Click on Next button to preview FFS.
Check/Validate whether all the information is correct and click on “Save”, else go back to previous pages, edit/update the correct details if there are any corrections.
Click on Report, to generate FFS Report.
Payment Details:
Please note that all the payments related to FFS are to be processed manually. If you want the payment details like payment mode, bank account details, payment date to be reflected in the FFS report then please update the payment details.
FFS payment details can be updated in 2 ways:
- While processing FFS
- After processing FFS
.1. While Processing FFS
Click on Process in the dropdown list next to the edit option under Manage exits >> Click on Process settlement >> Click on next >> Click on update payment details in the top right >> Fill the details >> Click on save.
2.After processing FFS
Go to Manage Exits >> Search for the employee >> Click on Edit >> Click on update payment details at the bottom of the screen to update the payment details.