This page enables users to view processed bills in the format of pay slips, which can be downloaded in PDF formats and also PDF format pay slips can be mailed to employees.
Below are the steps to view FBP pay slips:
Go to Transactions menu >> Under Flexible Benefits >> Click on View Payouts
- Select month from Month drop down, immediately FBP payments processed for the given month will be displayed.
- Search/select employee in Employee Code/Name field to see individual employee record
- Click on FBP Amount to view component wise details for the given month and selected employee
FBP pay slips can be downloaded in PDF format either employee wise separate PDF’s or single PDF for selected employees. Employees can be selected by marking the check box.
- After selecting the employees click on Download in Single PDF to generate single PDF for selected employees OR click on Download in Multiple PDF’s to generate separate PDF’s at employee level.
- Select the employees and click on Send Mail to send FBP pay slips to their email ids.