Payroll is locked once you are completely satisfied with the payroll output. After the payroll is locked you will not be permitted to make any changes. 

 You need to have the payroll locked so that:

  •  Employees can view their payslips and Income tax Reports. employees can view their payslips and Income tax Reports. 
  •  Journal Voucher entries will  be posted. al Voucher entries will not be posted. 
  •  You will be able to run the payroll for the following month. to run the payroll for the following month. 


You have different options to lock payroll. 

  1. 1. You can lock payroll after completing the payroll run by checking the box before ‘Lock payroll’ in the ‘Complete’ tab.

  2. Please follow the path -Payroll >>Run Payroll>>Complete.


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2. The other option to Lock Payroll: 

Go to Dashboard. 

Click on the down arrow next to “run payroll”. 

Click “Unlock”. 


Check the box before Lock Payroll to lock payroll and Click “Save”. 


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Option to Lock/Manage Payroll 


On the Home Page click “Payroll”. 

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Scroll down to “Utilities.” 

Click “Manage/Lock Payroll”. 

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Select the “Month”. 

Select the “Location”. 

Check the box : 

  • Lock Attendance  

  • Lock Pay Adjustments 

  • Lock Payroll 

  • Publish Payslips 

Click “Save”. 


You can also uncheck the box if you want to unlock Attendance, Pay Adjustments, and Payroll. 

Unchecking “Publish Payslips in ESS” will not allow the employees to view their payslips. 


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If you wish to delete payroll, then go to “To delete payroll for the selected month” and click “Click here”. 

For more details on how to delete payroll, please click the below link.

How to delete the processed payroll : Help Center (