If your attendance management system is not linked to our payroll and you are maintaining the attendance data manually, the same can be imported for the payroll process.


You first need to map the headings to the already mapped components.

Please refer to the document by clicking on the link How to Configure Attendance manually”.


To import the attendance data, follow the below steps:


On the Home Page click “Transactions”.

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Scroll down to Time Tracking, Management.

Click “Attendance/Biometric Device Management. 


Click “Biometric Attendance import” under “Import”. 


Select the “Month” and “Location”.

Check the box – “Import for all locations Bulk”.

Click “Download template”.





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The downloaded template will display the same headings mapped under “Configure Attendance Manually”.



Update the file and save it to the local drive.

Click “Choose File.”

Click “Import”.



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Once the import is completed, the next step is to process the data for payroll.



Select the “Month” and the “Location”

Click “Process”.


“Process Data” will process all the attendance records. 


The necessary corrections should be made once the process is completed and wherever a conflict between attendance data and the leave module is highlighted.


The below actions occur when the process button is clicked.


  • All late comings and early goings.
  • All unresolved records are displayed in pink.
  • Leaves requested and approved through LMS would be auto-adjusted.
  • Two types of leaves for a single day (E.G. Half-day – CL, half-day EL) approved through LMS would be auto-adjusted.
  • Full-day auto-adjusted leaves cannot be adjusted to other leaves. The record would be resolved (Green) 
  • Half-day leaves which are auto-adjusted. 
  • If the worked hours are more than the half-day eligibility, then the auto-adjusted leaves would be resolved, Green). 
  • If worked hours are less than half-day eligibility,  the auto-adjusted leaves would be BOTH (Red). You have the option to adjust the leaves. 

All the above details can be viewed at an employee level in the link on the right-hand side by clicking “Sync Attendance Employee wise”. 






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Select the “Month” from the drop down.

Enter the Employee Code/Name.

Click “Get Details”.


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Sync attendance employee-wise is used to do manual changes for employees if required. E.g., mapping an absence against comp off. 

Click “Save”.

Click “Process Data”.



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The data will be processed and all the attendance is adjusted through the Sync Attendance will reflect under Leaves & Attendance while processing payroll. 


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Note: The video outlining the process is attached for your reference.