In cases where attendance rules are not processed for new joiners, we have added the bio-metric process option. This process helps to capture attendance.
On the Home Page click “Transactions”.
Scroll down to “Time Tracking, Management”.
Click “Attendance/Biometric Device Management”.
Click “Process Attendance Data” under “Workflow”.
Click “Process Attendance Data”.
The “Last sync Data” will be displayed.
To Process Attendance Data Employees wise.
Select ‘From’ and “To date”.
Enter the “Employee code”
Click “View details”
You can view the Employee Attendance data like Policy, In- Time, Out- Time, Worked Hours, OT (Overtime) Hours, Late Hours, and Early Hours).
Policy- The Attendance policy that is mapped to the particular employee/s.
In-Time/Out Time- The punch/swipe in and punch/swipe out time of the employee/s.
Worked Hours- Total completed worked hours for a particular day.
Overtime - The extra hours worked by the employee/s.
Late Hours- When the employee swipes in late i.e., after the designated punch in time.
Early Hours- When the employee swipes out early i.e. before the designated punch-out time.
To “process Attendance data” “criteria wise”.
Select “From date” and “To date”.
Choose the “criteria” from the “drop-down”.
Select specific criteria or “Select All”.
Click “Add and Apply Criteria”.
The fields and the criteria chosen will be displayed.
Please note: When the data is processed without selecting any criteria/employee code and when we click the view details, the attendance data of all the employees is displayed.
Once the data is generated, click “Process attendance Policies”.
If the data is not reflecting even after doing the “punch in and out” in the portal.
Click “Fetch Pay time data and Process Attendance Policy” and the attendance data will be displayed.
Note: The video outlining the process is attached for your reference.