Form 12BB is a statement detailing the investments and expenses that qualify for tax deductions provided by the employee to their employer.  The main aim is to claim tax benefits and rebates on investments and expenses.


On the Home page click the “Compliance” option.

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Click “Income Tax” Option.

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Scroll down to the “Reports” option and click on “Generate Form 12BB”.

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  • Select Planner to generate the Form 12BB on Planner or Actual to generate the Form 12BB on Planner/Actual amounts.

  • Select "All Employee" to generate Form 12BB for all or selected employees. 

  • Click on Generate Form 12BB.



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After the generation of Form 12BB, click Export Planner/ Export Actual to download the form in PDF format.

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1 If declarations (Planned or Actual) are not declared by the employees, then Form 12BB will not be generated.

2 There is no option to download Form 12BB in bulk for all employees.  

3 The approved amounts of the investments will be reflected in Form 16.