Login to Paybooks using your credentials.

Click the link below to configure the "Local Travel/Conveyance."


You can configure the mode of conveyance and type of vehicle if the policy consists of local travel reimbursement.

Click “Local Travel / Conveyance” from the Menu.

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You have the following options.

  • Mode of Conveyance
  • Type of Vehicle
  • Unit of Distance

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Define the Mode of Conveyance

You need to enter the type of travel modes. 

Click “Add New” to create a new mode of conveyance.

Enter the name of the mode.

Enable the Active checkbox to make this mode active.

 By default, 4-Wheeler and 2-Wheeler is activated.  

Click “View / Edit” under the “Action” column to make the changes.

Click “Delete” under the “Action” column to delete the Model of Conveyance. A screenshot of a computer

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Click “Add” to create a new Mode of Conveyance.

Enter the “Conveyance Mode” 

Check the Box “Active”.

Click “Save”.


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Define the Type of Vehicle


By default, 3 types of vehicles are activated 

Own, Rented & Company Owned.

To edit/modify

Click “View / Edit” under the “Action” column to make the changes.

Click “Delete” under the “Action” column to delete the Type of Vehicle.

Click “Save”.

To Add a new Type of Vehicle.

Click “Add” to create a new Type of Vehicle.

Enter the “Conveyance Mode” 

Check the Box “Active”.

Click “Save”.

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Choosing Unit of Distance


Under “Unit of Distance” you have two options “KM” and “Miles”. 

You can select the “Unit of Distance” based on the company policy.

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