Once all the masters are created/modified, you can create your Company Policy by clicking  “Create Policy” from the Menu.

Login to Paybooks using your credentials.

Click the link below to create the policy.


Click "Create Policy".

Click “Create New Policy”

 The first step in creating a Policy is the “Name of the Policy”.

  1. Enter the “Name of the Policy”
  2. Select “Policy Type” from the drop-down.

The general type includes all kinds of expenses where employees request amounts and attach a file. 

Local Travel policy type- Under this type, the employee must enter km/Miles and the system automatically calculates the amount and the request is sent to the manager. 

Outstation Travel -here, the employee should enter the location name, mode of travel, and no. of days.

  1. Select the “Effective Date” from the Calendar
  2. Fields to be Displayed- Drag and drop from the Master & Custom Fields from the right to the left side under “Available Master Fields”.  

You can arrange the order in which it should be displayed in the claim submission window under Employee Self-Service

  1. Choose File- You can upload the relevant policy document your employee sees while submitting the claim.  

The file must be less than 5 MB in size and pdf, jpeg, jpg, or PNG format.

Click “Choose File”

Select the file.

Click “Next”



Configure Policy


The next step is to “Configure Policy”.


From the drop-down “Select Expense Head”.  All the expense heads created will be displayed here.


Define Maximum Claim Limit


The next is defining the “Maximum Claim Limit”. - employees will not be allowed to claim more amount than the limit for the current request

From the drop-down “Select Type of Limit” 

Maximum Limit -Day or Month claim – is the maximum claim you can make for a day or month.

Select the “Maximum Limit Option” from the drop-down.  I.e. Fixed Amount or the Limit Matrix. 

The fixed amount option needs to be selected or else the Limit Matrix should be opted if the limit amount is the same for all the employees,

If you have chosen “Fixed Amount”, enter the limit under “Enter Limit Amount”.

In Limit Matrix you need to click on ‘Click here to import the matrix’ to import the matrix. A new window will be opened, and you can see 3 parameters. Based on the requirement you need to select the parameter. 

Define Limit Matrix


If you have chosen “Limit Matrix”, click “Click here to import matrix”.


Matrix can be defined using the set Parameters and you can select up to 3 Parameters.

Select from the drop-down “Parameter 1”. E.g. Grade

Click “Download Template here” to download the import file.


Enter the value under Parameter 1. In this e.g., enter the Grade.

Enter the “Amount/Day”.

Save the file onto your local drive.


To import the file, click “Choose File”.

Select the import file saved on your local drive.

Click “Import” to complete the Import.

Choose Currency: You need to select the currency the employees will request the expense. But now by default, there will be only one currency (Indian Currency).


Check the tick box “Max Limit Excludes Tax (GST)” if you want to exclude the tax list GST.



Excess Claim Rule setup


Next, we need to create the “Excess Claim Rule”.

Here you will be creating the Rule if the employee should be allowed to submit the claim if the claim amount is exceeding the defined limits.

Click the appropriate radio button as per your company policy.

  • “Don’t allow claim to be submitted” –The employee cannot submit the claim if the limit is exceeded if this option is selected.
  • “Alert the employee and allow the claim to be submitted” The employee will be allowed to submit the claim with an alert message that you are submitting a claim that exceeds the limit If this option is selected,

Select “Yes / No” from the drop-down under “Is Attachment Mandatory?”

If selected “Yes”, update the amount above which the attachment is mandatory under “Attachment is Mandatory for Expense Above”.

Click “Add Expense Head” to complete the Expense Policy Head for the selected Expense Head.

Pl Note: Follow the above steps for each Expense Head.


The Expense Head configured will be displayed.

Click “Next”


Create Workflow


The next step is to create the “Workflow”. Here you will have the option to define the number of approvals required, if there are any exceptions, how to handle and if the Claim is not approved, when the alert should be sent to the Approver.

From the drop-down select “Level of Approval Required”, You can choose up to 6 levels.



The minimum level is 1 and the maximum level can be selected to 6. We can set the approver in 4 different types.

1. Manager: If this option is selected, the request goes to the employee’s manager. 

2. Manager’s Manager: If this option is selected the request goes to the employee manager’s manager.

3. Custom- If you want the expense claims of all your employees to be approved by any person like your HR or Finance team, then select the final approver as “Custom”.

From the drop-down, select the approver under “Select user”.

4. Department Head

If one of the approvals is selected as “Department Head”, then use the below link to define the Department Head for each Department.


The system will display all the departments created.

A drop-down with all the employees' list is displayed under “HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT”. From the drop-down, select the HOD for each Department.

Click “Save”.


CAN OVERRIDE AMOUNT- Check the box “CAN OVERRIDE AMOUNT” for every approver. This will allow the approver to process the claim with an exception by changing the claim amount.

Alert -Enter the days the system should send an alert if the approver has not taken any action under “Alert approve (if no action taken)”.

Click “Next”


Policy Applicability


The Final step in the configuration is the Applicability of the Policy created.

Select the “Criteria” & “Type” from the drop-down based on which the policy should be configured.

Click “Apply”

Click “Finish”


Your Expense policy configuration is saved successfully.


The policy created will be displayed on the home page of the Expense Policy setup.

Copy the Existing Policy to create a new Policy.


If you want to create another policy with minimal changes to the existing policy, you can click “Clone” under “Action”.

All the details of the new policy configuration step will be displayed and you can make the required changes